JOURNEY TO THE HEART OF THE CONDOR love, loss, and survival in a south american dictatorship

Author: Emily Creigh Dr. Martin Almada

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Nature of contents: On December 22, 1992, in a police station outside Asunción, Dr. Almada and a courageous young judge found several tons of documents now known as the Archives of Terror. These meticulous records of the covert kidnapping, torture, and assassination of thousands of innocent people included Martín’s own file. The landmark discovery resulted in the immediate arrest of some of Martín’s torturers—who for years had denied to his face that such atrocities ever occurred—and the ultimate indictment of several high-level officials throughout South America’s “Southern Cone,” including Chile’s Augusto Pinochet and Argentina’s Rafael Videla. (Alfredo Stroessner, on the other hand, died with impunity in Brazil in 2006.)

Imprint: 2015

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